We keep the Koonambil community up to date with our news via our quarterly newsletter. The CEO provides an overview of what’s been happening, along with care and activities reports. We celebrate resident birthdays and milestones and include an update from the Board. Read our newsletters here

MyAged Care

Here is a link to the My Aged care website for more information.



Koonambil always welcomes volunteers who play a crucial role in the lives of residents. Volunteers are particularly involved in keeping residents active, often forming lasting relationships that see residents and volunteers ageing together.

Volunteers at Koonambil generally help with activities, ensuring residents can take part meaningfully. Volunteers may call bingo or host other games, take residents on river walks or simply provide companionship. All volunteering is resident focused, ensuring residents continue to have as much interaction with their community as possible.

To discuss how volunteering at Koonambil in a way that suits you, drop in to the office, call 02 6822 3193 or email info@koonambil.com.au


Residents meet monthly with an independent convener from the community. Staff only attend these meeting if invited. These meetings ensure the residents’ voice is heard, and communicate the concerns, feedback, thanks and suggestions of residents to staff, the Board and other members of the community. These meetings also provide residents with the opportunity to provide input into planned outings, activities, menus and other aspects of Koonambil.

Weekly Activities

The Koonambil bus takes residents to and from recreational activities and provides transport to keep residents connected with the community. Some weekly activities are regular fixtures in the calendar, while other may vary, depending on local current events.

Reports and Plans

Koonambil Strategic Plan 2020 – 2023

Annual Report 18/19

Privacy Policy